Monday, May 19, 2008

A La Battaglia! ~戦いのとき~

5月18日 セント・マーガレット・チャーチにて
St. Margaret's Church, Westminster Abbey

戦いの時!A La Battaglia!

ザ・ウァルフィッシュ・バンド The Wallfisch Band
エリザベス・ウァルフィッシュ Elizabeth Wallfisch
イェステン・ディヴィズ Iestyn Davies




蓋を開けてみれば、イェステン・ディヴィズが歌ったのはたった二曲のみ。そのどちらもがどちらかといえば地味なJohann Christoph Bachの作品だったのは非常に物足りなく残念でした。



I was totally wrong about this concert! I expected to hear a recital of Iestyn Davies, a very promising young British counter-tenor, instead I sat down to listen to a concert of  many Baroque orchestral pieces with solo obbligato instruments, mostly the violin. 

The band leader, violinist Elizabeth Wallfish, sometimes sounded rather harsh and forced - perhaps it was partly because it was a first ever concert of the band but there were certain moments  in her own solo playing that lacked stylistic consistency. Although there were some beautiful playing by Jorgen Skogmo, Theorbo.

Davies only sang two arias - both by Johann Christoph Bach, the uncle of J S Bach. (See the previous post for the programme)
He sang beautifully throughout both pieces including some very high tessiature (vocal range) in the first song. His voice was free from being tense, strong yet flexible. I would like to hear his singing again but I am not sure I feel the same about the band.

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