Sunday, October 26, 2008


ケンブリッジやその近郊に在住の方、今週の金曜日(10月31日)夜8時より、ペンブローク・カレッジのThe Old Libraryにて世界中で活躍中のソプラノ歌手アマンダ・ルークロフトの、歌曲のコンサートがあります。曲目は、チャイコフスキー、シュトラウス、バーバー、ドビュッシーとパンフに掲載されていますが、かなり気楽な雰囲気のコンサートなので、急遽変更があるかもしれません。
入場料:10ポンド(学生は半額)、チケットはThe Porter's Lodgeで購入できると思います。

アマンダ・ルークロフトは、コヴェント・ガーデンや、ENOなど、国内にとどまらず世界中で活躍中のソプラノ歌手です。またオペラだけでなく歌曲のコンサートも精力的に行っていて高い評価を得ています。CDも沢山出ていますが、2007年に発売された"Amanda Roocroft - None but the lonely heart"(写真下、アマゾンより)では、今回のコンサートで歌う予定であろうチャイコフスキー、シュトラウス、ドビュッシーの歌曲が収録されています。


Pembroke College Cambridge

Amanda Roocroft (Soprano) & Joseph Middleton (Piano)

Songs by Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Barber, Debussy...

Friday 31st October 2008
8pm~ @ The Old Library 
Tichkets: £10 (students £5)

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Rothko ~The Late Series~ @ Tate Modern






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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Concert @ Royal Festival Hall

1st October 2008

Budapest Festival Orchestra

Iván Fischer conductor

Christianne Stotijn mezzo-soprano

Robert Dean Smith tenor


Schoenberg: Verklärte Nacht (1899, revised for string orchestra 1917 & 1943) 
Transfigured Night 浄夜

Mahler: Das Lied von der Erde (1908-1909)  The Song of the Earth 大地の歌

(i) Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde
(ii) Der Einsame im Herbst
(iii) Von der Jugend
(iv) Von der Schönheit
(v) Der Trunkene im Frühling
(vi) Der Abschied




What an amazing evening! 
There was a palpable feeling of immense concentration from the orchestra. The strong bond between the conductor and orchestral members made the atmosphere so intense and exciting as a result. The orchestra was fantastic. Their playing was dynamic and compelling throughout the evening's performance. I am glad that I read the programme booklet before the performance as it was the first time I have heard Verklärte Nacht. It was fascinating to learn that in composing the piece, Schoenberg followed the structure of the original poem made up of 5 stanzas. (He divided the whole piece into ABACA.) The story is about a young couple strolling together on a moonlit night. The 'A' parts represent their walk and the 'B' part is the painful confession of the woman that she is pregnant with other man's child. The 'C' part is the man's response of love and forgiveness to that confession. It was one of the most beautiful and moving performances of music I have ever heard.   

The English translation of the original poem can be found here.

Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde after the interval was equally wonderful. I thought the stars of the performance were the tenor Robert Dean Smith and the principal oboist Dudu Carmel. Dean Smith's voice was even all way through his range, especially impressive top ranges, his phrasing was so smooth that he made the songs seem easy to sing, despite the fact that he was singing with full orchestra (sometimes playing with their own full sound...) behind him. The principal oboist's numerous solos within the piece were full of emotion and colour, and when he took a bow there was an appreciatively loud applause. 

The young mezzo-soprano Christianne Stotijn sang beautifully but her voice seemed to lack the consistency and evenness of tone that Dean Smith possessed. Perhaps it was because there were more 'interpretations' in her performance than the tenor's. With a full orchestra, however, the many undoubtedly musical effects were lost and lacked the impact she might have anticipated. The last song, Der Abschied, is a particularly difficult song, not only because it is about half an hour in length, but most of the phrases are slow and quiet, indeed there were some moments when she seemed to lose the audience's interest altogether.    

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