Monday, February 25, 2008

Welcome! ようこそ!

The Concert Seenへようこそ!



Ann Murray (Mezzo-soprano)
Philip Langridge (Tenor)

Malcolm Martineau (Piano)

Barber 3 songs Op. 10; Solitary Hotel, Now I have fed and eaten up the rose

Bridge Golden Hair

Moeran Seven Poems

Britten Mother Comfort, Night covers up the rigid land, To lie flat on the back, What's on your mind, The sun shines down, As it is plenty, When you're feeling like expressing your affection, Underneath the abject willow

BBC Radio 3 による月曜のランチタイムコンサートは、ウィグモア・ホールから生中継で行われます。一時間ほどのプログラムで、チケット代も一律£10と比較的安いので、有名無名とわず気軽に聴きに行けます。今日は、アン・マリー&フィリップ・ラングリッジ夫婦によるイギリス歌曲集。2人の競演は珍しいので楽しみです。


Hello there! Here is a blog where I would like to write reviews and express opinions about the classical music scene and art exhibitions. As a music student in London, I have the privilege to see so many wonderful concerts and operas. Also as a Japanese person in London, I would like to be able to introduce British born music, especially 'English Song' to Japan. Well, that's one of my dreams and here is a good opportunity for me to brush up my writing skills... 

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ イギリス情報へ

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